Union Avenue Apartments is NGBS Certified!
Union Avenue Apartments has achieved National Green Building Standard (NGBS) Bronze Certification!
Located in Orland Park, Illinois, the new apartment-style complex developed by Sertoma Centre provides permanent supportive housing for adults with disabilities, allowing residents to live independently while receiving personal support through Sertoma’s programs.

Key green features of Union Avenue Apartments include:
- Community and outdoor recreation areas to keep residents active, healthy, and engaged, including an activity room, living room, library/computer room, community room, and outdoor patio. A directly adjacent forest preserve allows views to the wooded preserve from the patio and resident units.
- The project is within ½ mile of pedestrian access to mass transit and community resources
- 10% of the dwelling units were designed to be fully accessible and 20% are adaptable, allowing the facility to evolve with the changing needs of the residents
- Energy Star-rated appliances are used throughout
- All windows have insulated, low-E glazed and argon-filled glass
- Energy efficient lighting is used throughout the building, with high-efficiency site lighting saving energy and reducing light pollution
- Prefabricated roof truss, floor truss, and wall panels to reduce material waste
- Durable, long-lasting, low-maintenance materials were specified for the building’s exterior
- Water-conserving faucets, showerheads and toilets are used throughout the facility
- Quiet exhaust fans remove indoor air pollutants and supply residents with fresh air.
- Low-VOC interior paints, sealants, carpets, adhesives and wall-coverings along with non-solvent based and formaldehyde-free wood products were specified for the building’s interior, providing enhanced indoor air quality for persons with allergies, asthma and chemical sensitivities.
WJW is proud to have been a team member on this important project, creating a desirable home for residents that will be healthy, affordable, and sustainable for years to come.