WJW's Office Olympics
Competition was fierce but friendly at the first-ever WJW Office Olympics.
With the Summer Olympics happening in Paris this August, WJW was inspired to organize our very own Office Olympics. We formed four teams named after Chicago neighborhoods - Ravenswood, Uptown, the Gold Coast, and the Loop - and competed in a variety of lunchtime events for several weeks, including a high-stakes game of Taboo and a relay race around the office. Teams also earned points for participating in Spirit Days, which included Crazy Sock Day and College/Sports Team Day. The final scores were very close - the Gold Coast team won with 266 points, and Team Ravenswood scored the silver medal with 253 points. Team Uptown took bronze with 246 points, and Team Loop - alas, no medal this time, but there's always another chance at our 2026 Office Winter Olympics!