Andy's Place achieves NGBS Certification!

Andy’s Place has earned 2012 National Green Building Standard (NGBS) Silver Certification!
Located in Jackson, Michigan, the development addresses the need for long-term affordable, supportive housing for individuals recovering from opioid addiction and their families, with 39 one-bedroom apartments and 11 two-bedroom apartments.
The project incorporated several sustainable design features, including energy efficient and Energy Star appliances, high efficiency furnaces and hot water heaters, LED interior and site lighting, and water-conserving plumbing fixtures. The building envelope features high insulation values, prefinished, durable fiber cement siding and trim, and energy star rated windows.
The owner has also separately installed approximately 400 ground mounted solar photovoltaic panels, adjacent to the property, to help offset a portion of the on-site electricity consumption.
Andy’s Place is the first development of its kind in Michigan, and serves as a model for three other proposed projects in the state. It is also a finalist in the Affordable Housing Finance 2021 Readers’ Choice Awards.
WJW is proud to have been a team member on this healthy and sustainable project!