Grand Opening of Metro Landing of Swansea

Mike recently attended the grand opening of Metro Landing of Swansea, a new transit-oriented development that provides affordable housing for independent seniors. This three-story apartment building consists of 62 one and two-bedroom dwelling units, with common areas such as a living room, community room, library, computer area, fitness room, and laundry facilities.
Located immediately adjacent to the Swansea MetroLink Station in Swansea, Illinois, the development will enable residents to have car-free transportation options via MetroLink and MetroBus to conveniently access amenities such as restaurants, retail, entertainment venues, and medical facilities throughout the bi-state region. The MetroBikeLink trail is also accessible from the Swansea Station, providing residents the opportunity to easily utilize the trail for exercise and recreation.
Metro Landing of Swansea was developed by Southwestern Illinois Housing Development Authority (SWIDA) and Bywater Development Group, and the Federal Transit Administration was instrumental in arranging for the land to be sold by Bi-State Development.
WJW is proud to have been a team member on this project!