In progress: Lofts on the Square

Great progress is being made on the adaptive reuse of the old Hotel Belleville into Lofts on the Square!
This six-story building is located right on the main square in Belleville, IL. It was constructed in 1931 and is a rare example of Art Deco architecture in the immediate region. It qualified for the National Register of Historic Places and received historic tax credits. The Illinois Housing Development Authority awarded low-income housing tax credits as well – critical to the financing of the project.
The building was in severe disrepair for years, but the team of Southwestern Illinois Housing Development Authority and Bywater Development Group has undertaken this rehab of the building into 47 units of affordable independent senior housing, along with ground-floor retail space.
In addition to the restoration of the building to its former Art Deco glory, a number of sustainable design elements are being employed, which will truly bring this early 20th Century structure into the 21st Century and beyond. This mixed-use development will enliven an end of Belleville’s vibrant Main Street corridor, and complete the development around the square. Initial occupancy is planned for July. Worn Jerabek Wiltse Architects is pleased to be a part of this great urban revitalization development. Holland Construction Services is the GC.
Check out video coverage from the Belleville News Democrat here.