
A modern mixture of bright and bold colors that can be used interchangeably in a variety of ways.


Primary - Red
Hex: #EF4E37
RGB: 239 78 55

Primary - Black
Hex: #3C3F44
RGB: 60 63 68

Secondary - Gray Light
Hex: #F8FAF9
RGB: 248 250 249

Secondary - Gray Dark
Hex: #BFC7C8
RGB: 191 199 200

Secondary - Black Dark
Hex: #000000
RGB: 0 0 0

Secondary - Blue
Hex: #7D97B4
RGB: 125 151 180


This theme features two primary colors - red and light black - as well as a few additional secondary colors that can be used for backgrounds, text captions and links. Keep in mind, it's best to use a dark background when you need to make a bold statement and light backgrounds - i.e. secondary gray light -when there is a lot of text the user needs to consume.

