Intro to Architecture Workshop

A volunteer-led architecture workshop for teens

This summer, WJW hosted five middle and high school students for our first ever Intro to Architecture Workshop. Organized by our Volunteer Committee, the workshop was designed to give students the unique experience of hands-on learning with professionals in the field. They learned the basics of architectural design, how an architecture office looks and functions, and fundamentals for drafting their own designs.

Karen, Zoe, Charlie, Payton, and Xavier came from schools across the city and surrounding suburbs. Over the course of four weeks, they learned all about architecture, munched on Jimmy John's sandwiches, and worked on individual projects to design a residential + recreational building in "Townsville, Illinois." The workshop culminated with a presentation for family and WJW staff. Students displayed their unique designs and had the opportunity to discuss them with staff.

"We had a great group of teens who were really engaged with the material from day one and completely blew us away with what they were able to accomplish in the time we had," said Connor, one of the organizers. "It felt very rewarding to see them get a look into what architecture is while they were here." WJW plans to hold the workshop again in future summers.

Special thanks to Joi, Kolbi, Liezel, Connor, and our summer intern Jocelyn for being the main organizers and facilitators of the workshop. And thanks to Maggie, John, Mary, and Heidi for contributing ideas and presentations to make this a successful and fun summer learning experience for our participants!

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